America’s diversity is its strength. Yet we often lack the skills and methods to bring together diverse perspectives, learn from differences, and make wise decisions that stick.
On the surface we all champion diversity. But when subjects matter to us or when somebody triggers us, we can grow rigid. We become uncomfortable with those who hold opposing views. We seem to listen, but we have already made our decision. Our conversations become about winning, rather than about learning from diverse points of view and integrating perspectives to find solutions that work for all.
Deep Democracy USA (the Lewis Method) provides leaders, facilitators, coaches, and project managers with a robust methodology that helps pairs and groups transform difference and tension into creativity and smart decisions. We are proud to be the pioneers of this innovative, game-changing methodology in the United States.
Our team of highly experienced consultants and facilitators can help you and your organization:
Many conflict resolution methods assume that people are logical, rational human beings. We are. But we’re also emotional, irrational, and sometimes unpredictable. The Lewis Deep Democracy technique is designed to engage the entire human being — their logic and their emotion, their rationality, and their irrationality — in the conflict resolution process.